Hey, come come, let’s review “Lunch Box”. Ondu nimisha (just a minute) )….you mean I meant that 2013 Bollywallah box? Oho….so sorry. We
Archies (as we Architecture classmates fondly call ourselves) are boasting
about the Bygone Box of our Ancient Architectural Class(ic) Era of 1981 !!
It’s not for nothing that we Archies often recall those historic
lunch times during our college days. At the first tong of lunch bell, we hungry
Archietots would run and quickly sit encircled on the lush green lawns of our
campus courtyard. Amidst the many lunch boxes that quickly hovered in the
centre for everyone to taste a spoonful of the others, there was “That One Box”
which all of us would cast eyes on, pretty much like the most wanted winning
card, one waits to grab in a game of cards. And the moment it landed, lo! the
circle would suddenly morph itself into one long serpentine, yes a queue
literally! to taste that much awaited dish in the dabba, so much so that often
it’s “owner” Arati had to return home hungry. Realising her weeping daughter’s pitiable
plight, Aunty started sending 2 dabbas, one for her dear daughter and another
for us.
After all, weren’t we too equal dearies of Aunty? We would promptly
empty the dabba she used to send for us and as a kind gesture to thank Aunty, (not Arati :)) we would leave a few morsels for Arati (our return gift! J) hoping they can serve as tissues to wipe her tears!
Dish Type: South Indian Vegetarian Rice Variety

This spicy, tangy , tasty dish commonly called as Hulianna derives
its taste chiefly from “Tamarind” a major ingredient, yet not without its
interplay with a whole lot of other spices. Sum of these spices equals a rich
and complex flavour.
Famous as “prasadam” in temples and at home during festive
occasions, Hulianna is the first dish that comes to our mind as a comfy
takeaway during travel times or a quick recipe to fill early morning lunch
boxes. Gojju that is used to mix with
rice for making this super dish can be prepared and stored in fridge for
Right below is a Perrfffect
Recipe of that much awaited dish - HULIANNA
Dish Type: South Indian Vegetarian Rice Variety
required: 45 min (approx.)
Serves: 6 to
8 persons
To prepare Tamarind paste (wet):
- 1/2 kg
- 300 gm approx. (powdered)
- 1 cup (say 150 ml)
to taste
tamarind in just enough water (to cover tamarind) for an hour or so. Squeeze (and sieve if
required) to
extract thick paste. Add jaggery, oil and salt. Boil for 20-30 min until
thick and water evaporates.
To prepare Dry powder -1:
chillies 1/2 kg
(byadagi variety)
seeds 1/2 kg
seeds 100 gm
Jeera 150
seeds 100 gm
pepper 50 gm
chillies and pepper separately in a little oil (1 tbsp approx. ) Dry roast all other ingredients
separately. Grind all to a smooth powder. Add this powder to
tamarind-jaggery paste.
To prepare Dry powders-2:
Sesame 150gm
Khuskhus 100 gm
pepper 50 gm
roast sesame and khuskhus separately and grind to powder. Roast pepper in
a little oil and grind to powder.
Other ingredients:
Asafoetida 1 tsp
Turmeric 1 tsp
leaves 1 bunch
dry powders-2 and all other ingredients to tamarind-jaggery paste and mix
well. Store this paste / gojju in an air tight ceramic or glass
prepare Hulianna:
time now to prepare seasoning….Heat 3 tbsp oil and add 1 tsp of black mustard
seeds. When they splutter add 1 tbsp of peanuts and fry for a couple of
minutes. Add a pinch of asafoetida, 4 or 5 dry red chillies and a sprig
of curry leaves. Add this seasoning to rice mixture. Mix well.
is ready! Dear readers, It’s your turn now to enjoy!!
Tete – a – Tete
Tamarind is a powerful laxative
for chronic constipation. How ironic that it is considered equally effective in
treating chronic diarrhea too! Thiamine, a vital part of the vitamin family
that helps improve nerve function is largely present in tamarind.
A pod of
tamarind when chewed can help overcome nausea and morning sickness.
Tamarind pulp can be used to
lighten skin tone and brighten brassware.
Tamarind is known as “Imli” in
Hindi, “Amli” in Gujarati, “Hunase” in Kannada, “Chintapandu” in Telugu, the list
goes on…..!
Hulianna is also known by other
terms like “Puliyogare”, “Gojjina Chitranna”, Huli Chitranna, Hunase Huli Chitranna and Tamarind Rice

Recipe contributed by by Smt. Pramila, Aunty of us - Archies and mother of my dear friend Arati
To read my poem penned for Arati, click link In search of an Archie

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