Sharing a poem I penned for my dear friend Chitra Sundarajan
Daintily decked from top to toe
Kajal eyed, Bow tied
Tresses dangling, Pendants hanging
Silken fabric, Shining shoes
Looking tip top, Dancing hip hop
To the lilting music Pop…bop
Criss cross, tic tac toe,
Guards of Honour chatting |
Tip top we, from top to toe
With grace n poise, we all sashaying
Yet neck to neck, ahead we are racing,
Ear to ear, smiles curving….
Oh, come on, hurry up!
Ding Dong, Ding Dong…. the bell is ringing
Tick Tock, Tick, Tock…the clock is ticking
Oh my! Isn’t it so ah laa…rming!!
March has marched past, arrived hath April
The Day is Fifteenth and the time is Now
Bewitching beauties blooming |
an idea!
Trash it as bosh… oh no yeah!
A Chitra to S. Chitra!
Wah…what an
Call it not as Vichitra!
ki Raani, kaisi hai
Calling it lengthy…maharani?
what, when it is lullabied with a lac of lustre and love aplenty!
Ps: Chitra = Drawing “Vichitra” = Strange.
The enclosed drawing is, in a sense, strange since I’ve drawn it using mud.

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