A fine find when you fall down with fever, yummy when you are
upset with your tummy J,
loaded with Vitamin as complex as B, also high in Vit E you C. A popular
ingredient for pudding or pilaf, when cooked as cake puffs up to become fluffier
than farina. Cook it as coucous as in North Africa or as our own humble Upma
from South India. Are your spirits soaring up to a plane as
high as spiritual?
Steam it then as sheer kheer, serve it to a seer and see him cheer! Look
yourself in the mirror. Aha that smile… So Crystal Clear!
On this auspicious morning of Sep 27th 2017, while nonagenarian and expert cook
Smt. Lalithamma Ramamurthy meanders her way into the Kalyana Mantapam on the dot of
Muhurtham to shower her choicest blessings on Vinitha, her grand daughter when
she ties the sacred knot with her beloved, let me enjoy the privilege of
posting Rawa (Semolina) Cake, a traditional dessert recipe gifted with love by Smt.
Lalithamma to readers who can digest Mangala’s Potluck ! :)
Dish Type: Traditional South
Indian Dessert
Time taken: 1 hour
Yield: 10 pcs
Ingredients –
Option 1
Chiroti Rava 1
cup (Semolina fine quality)
Sugar ¾
to 1 cup
Salt A
Sour curd 1
Saffron A pinch
Baking Powder 1
Baking Soda ¼
Dry fruits Few
nos. cut to fine pieces (optional)
Mix first 6 ingredients listed above in a bowl. Beat the mix to
bhajji batter consistency. Leave the batter for about half an hour. Check taste
for sugar. Add more if required. Add dry fruits of your choice: Raisins,
chopped cherry, cashews, walnut, pumpkin seeds, dry dates (optional), baking
powder and baking soda to the batter at this stage (i.e, just before baking).
These also contribute to sweetness of the cake.
Keep an old cooker over a gas stove. Put 1 cup salt or enough to
cover the bottom of cooker. (Instead of salt, sand can be used. Fill upto 1
1/2” height enough to cover the bottom of cooker)
Place a steel grid. Close the cooker with its lid without using
gasket or weight. Switch on the flame. Preheat cooker for 5 min. Spread banana
leaf/baking paper/aluminium foil at the bottom of the vessel in which you wish
to put the batter for making cake. Place few pieces of chopped dry fruits
spreading it all around. Over this pour the batter. Keep this vessel in the
preheated cooker. Leave in medium flame for 5 to 10 min. and in low flame for
about 40 min. Cake will be baked by now. Let it cool down. Then carefully
remove the cake from vessel, slowly separating the sides first.
Rava Cake is ready to serve. Time to Celebrate!!
a Tete

To check
if cake is fully cooked, prick a tooth pick deep into the cake. If nothing
sticks to the the stick, then cake is done.
contributed by nonagenarian and expert cook, Smt. Lalithamma Ramamurthy
Recipes viewed here are a part of "Mangala's Potluck" section in this blog
Wow!Thank you Mangala for sharing this Yummicious Rawa Cake recipe.
ReplyDeleteSuch a delight to go through your introduction & the write up.
Thank you Rekha Satish :)