Saturday 10 September 2016

Mangala's Cryptic Crossword Puzzle CB2

Solutions to the above clues can be found at Solutions for CB 11 to CB 15 and Solutions for CB 16 to CB 20
Would you like to understand the above type of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Wanna solve more Crossword Puzzles in this blog? Click "Mangala's Crossword Puzzles"
Also view in this blog:
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 
You are welcome to join "CrosswordPuzzleBuffs" my group on Facebook to receive regular updates on this section.

List of Codes for Cryptic Clues

Application of codes is a common feature while solving Cryptic Clues in Crossword Puzzles as in Cryptic Clues Type "D"
 In the process of solving them, some words are replaced by their respective codes before anagramming with a few other letters or words to derive the Answer word. Codes can be abbreviations, acronyms, symbols or just single letters that can mean or sound like a word. For example, the letter "A" can mean "one" or "single", letter "B" can mean "be" since they sound same (homophone), letter "C" can mean "see" - homophone again. Similarly letter S can mean "yes" but it can also mean "dollar" since S is the symbol for dollar.  "L" can mean pound or fifty but can also mean "learner" or "left" and "R" can mean "right" or can mean "are". Likewise, X can mean "ten" (roman numeral) and Y can mean "why". More examples of codes are listed in the table below.
The list is by no means exhaustive and will be updated from time to time.


CD 36: Flattened at the end of evening (6)
Q: Synonym of “FLATTENED
A: Anagram of (Synonym of evening + “end”) = Anagram of (EVE + “END”) = EVENED

CD 37: Protection with gum needed to grow this plant (6)
Q: Synonym of “PLANT
A: Anagram of (Synonym of protection + “gum”) = Anagram of (LEE + “GUM”) = LEGUME

CD 38: Experienced adviser wanted for men climbing a hill (6)
A: Anagram of (Synonym of hill + “men”) = Anagram of (TOR + “MEN”) = MENTOR

CD 39: At the moment, possess something? (3)
Q: Synonym of “AT THE MOMENT
A: Anagram of (Synonym of possess) = Anagram of (OWN) = NOW

CD 40: Worker demanded an opera on the hill (8)
Q: Synonym of “WORKER
A: Anagram of (Synonym of hill + “opera”) = Anagram of (TOR + “OPERA”) = OPERATOR

To view previous sets of Cryptic Clues Type "D" click Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Also view in this blog:
Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues Type 'B"
Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "C"

Cryptic Clues posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. Few other sections I've created in this blog include:
Have you read my article Lazing around with English ? If not, please read now.
Also read A Word about Crossword Puzzles and Structure of a Crossword Puzzle

CE 21 to CE 25

CE 21: Advertisement I read in the morning was about the first man created by God (4)
CE 22: Brits love small restaurant (6)
CE 23: Almost solely led by a hundred (7)
CE 24: Small opening to hide a hat in the church (5)
CE 25: Semi precious agate! But why on a cross? (4)

Guess code words for "Advertisement" "morning" "love" "hundred" "church"  "why" and “cross” Need help...Refer Codes' List
Replace relevant words in the above clues with their respective codes. Go ahead solving them like you did for earlier types of clues.

Solutions for the above set of clues can be viewed at Solutions for CE 21 to CE 25
Would you like to understand the above set of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "E"

Solutions for Cryptic Clues Type “E” CE 16 to CE 20
CE 16: It costs 50£ and a six to own a country house (5)
Synonym of “country house” = Anagram of (Code for 50 + Code for £ + “a” + Code for six) = L + L + A + VI = VILLA
CE 17: You are right, it's a row over a weapon (5)
Synonym of “weapon” = Anagram of (Code for right + “a row”) = R + A + ROW = ARROW
CE 18: Begin art on the street (5)
Synonym of “Begin” = Anagram of (“art” + Code for street)  = ART + ST = START
CE 19: Tease aunt for wearing a casual top (5)
Synonym of “Tease” = Anagram of (“aunt” + Code for casual top) = AUNT + T = TAUNT
CE 20: Open for a game, oh! you are strong (6)
Synonym of “strong” = Anagram of (“Open” + Code for casual top) = OPEN + TT = POTENT

Also view in this blog:
Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues Type 'B"
Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Mangala's Crossword Puzzles

Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 

You are welcome to join "CrosswordPuzzleBuffs" my group on Facebook to recieve regular updates regarding posts related to this section "Play with Words"

Hints for Cryptic Clues Type “E” CE 6 to CE 10

CE 6: Regarding a round tub (5) 
Consider the following parameters:
Synonym of “Regarding”; Code for “round”; Words for anagram: “a”, “but”

CE 7: Keeps the stain again (7) 
Consider the following parameters:
Synonym of “Keeps”; Code for “again”; Word for anagram: “stain”

CE 8: Intelligent in more ways than one (4) 
Consider the following parameters:
Synonym of “Intelligent”; Code for “ways” and Code for “one”   

CE 9: If one feels shy, others can be suspicious (5) 
Consider the following parameters:
Synonym of “suspicious”; Code for “one”; Word for anagram: “shy”  

CE 10: Met an outpatient who was controlled speed (5) 
Consider the following parameters:
Synonym of “speed”; Code for “outpatient”; Word for anagram: “Met”  

Would you like to view the above set of Clues without Hints? Please visit CE 1 to CE 5

Hints for Cryptic Clues Type “E” CE 26 to CE 30

CE 26: Dais on the eastern side is for assistants (5)
Answer = Synonym of “assistants” = Anagram of (“Dais” + Code for “eastern”)

CE 27: Forbid a degree holder from going north (3)
Answer = Synonym of “Forbid” = Anagram of (Code for “degree holder” + Code for “north

CE 28: Six million people were found full of enthusiasm (3)
Answer = Synonym of “enthusiasm” = Anagram of (Code for “six” + Code for “million”)

CE 29: Close fitting garment when worn with a casual shirt makes for a pleasing sight (6)
Answer = Synonym of “close fitting garment” = Anagram of (“sight” + Code for “casual shirt”)

CE 30: I and you growing roses together is no joke (7)
Answer = Synonym of “no joke” = Anagram of (“I” + Code for “you” + “roses”)

Would you like to understand the above set of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "E"

Also view in this blog:
Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues Type 'B"
Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "D"
Mangala's Crossword Puzzles

Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 

Hints for Cryptic Clues Type “E” CE 16 to CE 20

CE 16: It costs 50£ and a six to own a country house (5)
Synonym of “country house” = Anagram of (Code for 50 + Code for £ + “a” + Code for six)
CE 17: You are right, it's a row over a weapon (5)
Synonym of “weapon” = Anagram of (Code for right + “a row”)
CE 18: Begin art on the street (5)
Synonym of “Begin” = Anagram of (“art” + Code for street)  
CE 19: Tease aunt for wearing a casual top (5)
Synonym of “Tease” = Anagram of (“aunt” + Code for casual top)  
CE 20: Open for a game, oh! you are strong (6)
Synonym of “strong” = Anagram of (“Open” + Code for casual top)  

CODES: 50 = L; £ = L; six = VI; right = R; street = ST; casual top = T (for T-shirt); game = TT

Would you like to solve the above clues without the help of hints. Yes, please view them @ CE 16 to CE 20
Solutions for the above set of clues will be posted next week. 
Would you like to understand the above set of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "E"

Also view in this blog:
Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues Type 'B"
Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "D"
Mangala's Crossword Puzzles

Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 

SOLUTIONS for Cryptic Clues Type “A” – CA 36 to CA 40

CA 36: Chap leads to file a request (5) PLEAD
CA 37: Feeling sober for a reason (2) SO
CA 38: First you sketch, then you carve (4) ETCH
CA 39: Can you steal a dabbling duck? (4) TEAL
CA 40: Adamant about building a barrier (3) DAM

Cryptic Clues posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 

Cryptic Clues Type "F"

Cryptic Clues Type “F” CF 1 to CF 5

CF 1: Advertisement sent on time was about a proverb (5)
CF 2: Kiosk for a couple in love (5)
CF 3: Dined left, right and centre... But not now (5)
CF 4: "No, not on the street" remark  feels unpleasant (5)
CF 5: Yes, it's a shopping centre though not big (5)

Would you like to understand these types of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "F"

Also view in this blog:
Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues Type 'B"
Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "D"
Mangala's Crossword Puzzles

Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 

Understanding Cryptic Clues – CLUE TYPE “F” (CF series)

These type of clues are typically a combination of Clue Type “D” and Clue Type “E”. Sometimes the combination may also include Clue Type “B”.

General Ground Rules for Cryptic Clue Type “F”
Answer is always a word or phrase.
No. of letters comprising the answer is always mentioned in parenthesis at the end of the clue.
Answer is always the meaning / synonym of a part of the clue.
Answer is derived by using whole or part of one or more words from the remaining part of the clue.
“Part of the clue” can either be a single word or more.
Answer is always a combination of synonym, code and anagram.

SOLUTIONS for Cryptic Clues Type “C” – CC 36 to CC 40

SOLUTIONS for Cryptic Clues Type “C” – CC 36 to CC 40

CC 36: Part of body or strip of water? (3) ARM
CC 37: Legal draft of an account statement (4) BILL
CC 38: Plank placed to help one get into a vehicle (5) BOARD
CC 39: Sounding out a strong urge (7) CALLING
CC 40: Alluvial area that is triangular (5) DELTA

Did you observe, answer to each of the above clues is a Homonym and it is coloured in green. Homonym is a word that has more than one meaning. Two meanings for each of these words are found in their respective clues and they are coloured red.

Hints for Cryptic Clues Type “E” CE 31 to CE 35

CE 31: First class railway can be breezy (4)
Answer = Synonym of “breezy” = Anagram of (Code for “first class” + Code for “railway”)

CE 32: Vehicle owned with a credit (3)
Answer = Synonym of “vehicle” = Anagram of (“a” + Code for “credit”) 

CE 33: Charitable man went through the door in the North (5)
Answer = Synonym of “Charitable man” = Anagram of (“door” + Code for “North”) 

CE 34: Dream about the right one to be wed (7)
Answer = Synonym of “wed” = Anagram of (“dream” + Code for “right” + Code for “one”) 

CE 35: Groups of eight set for October (6)
Answer = Synonym of “Groups of eight” = Anagram of (“set” + Code for “October”) 

Would you like to understand the above set of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "E"

Also view in this blog:
Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues Type 'B"
Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Mangala's Crossword Puzzles

Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 

HINTS to solve CC 16 to CC 20

HINTS for Cryptic Clues Type “C” – CC 16 to CC 20

CC 16: Call of victory in a game of numbers (5)

CC 17: A little bird wins a score (6)

CC 18: A senior clergyman in charge of a chess piece (6)

CC 19: Even a small piece can make for a boring tool (3)

CC 20: Be frank about lack of sharp edge (5)

The phrases in red in each clue relate to a common word. Can you figure it out?

Solutions to the above clues will be posted next week

Cryptic Clues posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog.

SOLUTIONS to Cryptic Clues CB 36 to CB 40

CB 36: Flier carried a gun (5) RIFLE
CB 37: Doctor does prescribe quantity of medicine (4) DOSE
CB 38: Can dust be used to create a jewellery piece (4) STUD
CB 39: Enjoy oneself while lifting a lever (5) REVEL
CB 40: Bore a hole in a loose garment (4) ROBE

In each of the above clues, 
Words coloured in red are “Questions” i.e. they are words/phrase for which you have to give a synonym as Answer. 
Words in blue italic are to be anagrammed to create a new word which is the synonym i.e. the ANSWER – shown in GREEN CAPS at the end of the clue.
For example, in CB 36, answer is RIFLE because it is a synonym of the word “gun” and is derived by anagramming letters of the word “flier”.

Cryptic Clues posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 


CD 16: Possible to wear a hat when one is competent (7)
Anagram of (Synonym of Possible + Synonym of hat ) = Synonym of COMPETENT = ANSWER

CD 17: Can I miss a rule, that of gas discharge (8)
Anagram of (Synonym of a + I + miss) = Synonym of GAS DISCHARGE = ANSWER

CD 18: Charged a safety device amidst all the din (7)
Anagram of (Synonym of safety device + din) = Synonym of CHARGED = ANSWER

CD 19: People with a playing card create peril (6)
 Anagram of (Synonym of People + Synonym of playing card) = Synonym of PERIL = ANSWER

CD 20: Wanna celebrate? Try with dad (5)

Anagram of (Synonym of dad + Try) = Synonym of CELEBRATE = ANSWER

Solutions for the above clues can be viewed at Solutions for CD 16 to CD 20


CD 1: Truly, he is in action (6)
Let me rewrite the clue this way: TRULY, he is in action (6)
TRULY (colour coded in RED and shown in CAPS ) is the Question
Answer is a synonym of the word TRULY
You have to get the answer by using the rest of the clue.
Here the word in (colour coded blue) is used to get the answer. But the answer is a 6 letter word. How do we get the other 4 letters?
For this, we use the word action (colour coded in red and italics) and anagram its synonym with the word in
Synonym of action = deed. So in + deed = INDEED is the Answer
Summary: In + deed (synonym for action) = INDEED = TRULY

Similarly, let's look at the clue CD 2
CD 2: Being in favour of draw, moved ahead (7)
Let me rewrite this way: Being in favour of draw, moved AHEAD (7)
For (synonym for in favour of) + draw = FORWARD = AHEAD

Understand the explanations for the above two clues and try to solve the rest of the clues. I’ve rewritten clues CD 3, CD 4 and CD 5 using the above colour code. Hope this helps. Wishing you the best for the rest!

CD 3: It takes ages to execute the right AMOUNT OF MEDICINE (6)
CD 4: MENTION that all are expected at a certain time (6)
CD 5: TALK about flat, circular objects that are with us (7) 

Cryptic Clues posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog.
Have you read my article Lazing around with English ? If not, please read.
Also read A Word about Crossword Puzzles and Structure of a Crossword Puzzle

Mangala's Cryptic Crossword Puzzle CA - M1

Why retain the usual look of black n white when, with red n white, we are raring to go n fight! 
Guide to solve the above clues: Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"

Also view
Understanding Cryptic Clues where different types of Cryptic Clues are explained with examples
Wanna solve more Crossword Puzzles in this blog? Click Mangala's Crossword Puzzles
Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog. 


CD 21: Do achievements deserve celebration (5)
Anagram of (Synonym of achievements) = Synonym of celebration = ANSWER

CD 22: Make a mistake and you will end up with a tedious task (6)
Anagram of (Synonym of mistake + ‘and’) = Synonym of tedious task = ANSWER

CD 23: Men and master together can cause danger (7)
Anagram of (‘Men’ + Synonym of master) = Synonym of danger = ANSWER

CD 24: Beam of light streaming on a fabric (5)
Anagram of (Synonym of Beam of light + ’ray’) = Synonym of fabric = ANSWER

CD 25: Mixed to match completely (7)

Anagram of (‘to’ + Synonym of match) = Synonym of completely = ANSWER

Would you like to understand this type of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "D"


CD 11: Can a teacher GO WRONG? (5)
CD 12: Bent a little to sit IN THE MIDDLE (7)
CD 13: RULED by an old fellow (7)
CD 14: In total it's a NEGATIVE (5)
CD 15: Scarf with a zodiac sign seen IN THE OPEN AIR (8)


CD 6: Both singular and plural present in a ZODIAC SIGN (5)
CD 7: Can I the cook become a RULER (5)
CD 8: Fly above to cross a BRIDGE (7)
CD 9: The KING OF JUDEA was a man with a stick (5)
CD 10: LAZED after I'd spearheaded (5)

Hints to solve Cryptic Clues Type “E” CE 21 to CE 25

CE 21: Advertisement I read in the morning was about the first man created by God (4)
Answer = Synonym of “first man created by God” = Anagram of (Code for “advertisement” + Code for “morning”)

CE 22: Brits love small restaurant (6)
Answer = Synonym of “small restaurant” = Anagram of (“Brits” + Code for “love”)

CE 23: Almost solely led by a hundred (7)
Answer = Synonym of “Almost” = Anagram of (“solely” + Code for “hundred”)

CE 24: Small opening to hide a hat in the church (5)
Answer = Synonym of “Small opening” = Anagram of (“hat” + Code for “church”)

CE 25: Semi precious agate! But why on a cross? (4)
Answer = Synonym of “Semi precious agate” = Anagram of (“on” + Code for “cross”)

To view the above clues without these hints, please visit CE 21 to CE 25

Would you like to understand the above set of clues before solving them? Please visit Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "E"

Also view in this blog:
Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Cryptic Clues Type 'B"
Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Cryptic Clues Type "D"

Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "A"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "B"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "C"
Understanding Cryptic Clues Type "D"
Mangala's Crossword Puzzles

Cryptic Clues and Crossword Puzzles posted here are a part of "Play with Words" section in this blog.